State of the Art and Evolution of High Energy Laser Weapons J Albertine

Us government program to investigate UFOs

Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Programme
Successor Unidentified Aeriform Phenomena Chore Force
Formation 2007
Dissolved 2012
Type The states governmental study
Legal condition Hugger-mugger programme, formally disbanded
Purpose Study of unidentified flying objects
Leader Luis Elizondo


$22 1000000 over 5 years

The Avant-garde Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP)[i] was an unclassified but unpublicized investigatory effort funded by the Us Authorities to study unidentified flying objects (UFOs) or unexplained aerial phenomena (UAP).[2] The program was first made public on Dec 16, 2017. The plan began in 2007, with funding of $22 million over the v years until the available appropriations were ended in 2012.[iii] [4] [five] The plan began in the U.S. Defence force Intelligence Agency.[6]

According to the Department of Defense, the AATIP ended in 2012 afterward five years, nevertheless reporting suggested that U.S. government programs to investigate UFOs connected.[seven] This was confirmed in June 2020 with the acknowledgement of a like war machine program, the unclassified but previously-unreported Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Job Force.[8]

Luis Elizondo, who was the AATIP program director,[ix] went on to work for To The Stars... Academy of Arts & Science in 2017.[10] [eleven]

History [edit]

Origins [edit]

Initiated by then Senate Bulk Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada)[12] as the Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Applications Program (AAWSAP) to written report unexplained aerial phenomena (UAP) at the urging of Reid's friend, Nevada billionaire and governmental contractor Robert Bigelow,[13] and with support from the late senators Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) and Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii), the program began in the DIA in 2007 and was budgeted $22 one thousand thousand over its five years of performance.[three] [4]

The United States Air Forcefulness facility known every bit "Area 51" is located in Reid's home state of Nevada. Afterward the revived interest in the 1970s surrounding the balloon crash that is often referred to as the "1947 Roswell UFO incident", "Area 51" was rumored past ufologists and conspiracy theorists to exist the US government's storage location for the crashed conflicting craft for written report.[14]

June 24, 2009 letter from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to Deputy Secretary of Defense William Lynn regarding the Avant-garde Aerospace Threat and Identification Program (AATIP)

When interviewed in the aftermath of publicity surrounding the AATIP, Reid expressed pride in his accomplishment, and was quoted equally proverb "I think it's one of the good things I did in my congressional service. I've washed something that no 1 has washed earlier."[three] [5] Reid explained the reasoning behind his sponsorship of the program by proverb "I'm interested in science, and in helping the American public understand what the hell is going on" and stated that "hundreds and hundreds of papers" have been available since the plan was completed and that "Most all of it, 80 percentage at least, is public" adding "I wanted it public, information technology was made public, and you guys have not even looked at it."[5]

A 2009 letter by Reid was published by KLAS-TV investigative journalists George Knapp and Matt Adams, where the Senator states that AATIP has made "much progress" with the "identification of several highly sensitive, unconventional aerospace-related findings" that volition "likely pb to technology advancements" and recommends the cosmos of a special access programme for specific parts of AATIP.[xv]

Leadership and functions [edit]

AATIP was headed by Luis Elizondo.[9] Elizondo resigned from the Pentagon in Oct 2017 to protest government secrecy and opposition to the investigation, stating in a resignation letter to U.s.a. Defence Secretarial assistant James Mattis that the program was not being taken seriously.[16] Elizondo said on December 19, 2017, that he believed there was "very compelling evidence we may not exist lone."[17]

AATIP, through a contract awarded to Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS), has generated a 494-page written report that documents declared worldwide UFO sightings over several decades.[xviii] [xix] This "Ten Month Written report" has non been released to the public simply focuses on reports, plans and all-encompassing analysis of unexplained aerial phenomena.[eighteen] According to one one-time BAASS contractor, the BAASS written report was only a sample of the materials provided to the Defence Intelligence Agency as "monthly reports were being sent to the Pentagon, in add-on to annual plan updates, that were all about UAP or dissonant phenomena."[eighteen] The program also funded and published 38 studies.[18] [twenty] [21] Those theoretical studies embrace a range of advanced, exotic, and theoretical aerospace topics, ranging from "Detection and High Resolution Tracking of Vehicles at Hypersonic Velocities" to "Warp Drive, Nighttime Free energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions." [xviii] [21] [22]

Among the data that has been released by the program are "several short videos of military jets encountering something they couldn't place".[23] The release of those videos were part of a campaign by Luis Elizondo, now working for To The Stars Academy of Arts & Scientific discipline, who said that he wanted to shed light on the plan.[3] [24] [25] [26] [27] The Navy confirmed the authenticity of the videos stating only that they describe what they consider to be "unidentified aerial phenomena".[28] [29] [30] Susan Gough, a Pentagon spokeswoman, confirmed that the three videos were made by naval aviators and that they are "part of a larger issue of an increased number of preparation range incursions past unidentified aerial phenomena in contempo years."[31]

Aftermath [edit]

While the Defence force Department stated that AATIP was terminated in 2012, after acknowledgement of the program in 2017 the exact status of AATIP and its declared termination remained unclear.[32] Elizondo claimed that, while the attempt'south government funding ended in 2012, the program continued with support from Navy and CIA officials even after his resignation.[3] Reports in 2020 confirmed Elizondo's argument, along with reporting the beingness of the U.South. government's successor to AATIP.[33]

Successor program [edit]

In 2020, the Pentagon best-selling the beingness of a programme like to the AATIP called the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Chore Force (UAPTF). The unclassified, but previously-unacknowledged, program was made public during a June 2020 hearing of the Senate Select Commission on Intelligence.[34] [35] [36] The program has been giving classified briefings to congressional committees and aerospace executives for over a decade. Former Senator Reid stated in reference to the successor programme, "It is extremely important that information about the discovery of physical materials or retrieved craft come out."

Reaction and analysis [edit]

The materials studied by AATIP have been the subject of classified congressional hearings aimed at understanding and identifying the potential threat to the rubber and security of aviators.[37] [38] [39] The Navy has confirmed that, in response to inquiries by members of Congress, they have provided a series of briefings past senior naval intelligence officials as well as testimony from "aviators who reported hazards to aviation safety".[40] The contents of those briefings are classified, but Senator Marker Warner, the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, who participated in 1 of those briefings, released a statement requesting further research into "unexplained interference in the air" that could pose safety concerns for naval pilots.[37] Co-ordinate to Popular Mechanics, Senate Intelligence Committee Brigadier Full general Richard Stapp, Manager of the DoD Special Access Plan Central Office, testified the mysterious objects being encountered by the military machine were not related to hush-hush U.Southward. engineering science.[39] President Donald Trump has also been briefed on the outcome[38] [37] and has stated "I did accept ane very brief meeting on it. Simply people are proverb they're seeing UFOs. Exercise I believe it? Non peculiarly."[41] [42]

Mick West, a science writer and skeptical investigator, suggests the public availability and confirmation of rigorous empirical studies past AATIP could alter the unabridged UFO dynamic: "Information technology would be fantastic if at that place was some skilful prove of something new to science. So far there isn't".[xviii] Several researchers including Benjamin Radford and Robert Sheaffer take pointed out that mundane explanations such as the misidentification of distant jets or ordinary contrails are probably backside the incidents reported.[23] Astrophysicist Leon Golub has stated that those reports have a number of possible explanations such as "bugs in the lawmaking for the imaging and display systems, atmospheric effects and reflections, neurological overload from multiple inputs during loftier-speed flight."[43] In a similar vein, physicist Don Lincoln pointed out that while the pilots of those reports may have thought they saw what they believed to exist an "unidentified flight object", since far more plausible explanations exist, he proposed that "what these pilots were seeing is something with a more ordinary explanation, whether information technology be an instrumental glitch or some other unexplained antiquity."[44]

On January 16, 2019, the DIA released a list of 38 research titles pursued past the program in response to a Freedom of Information Deed (FOIA) request by Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of American Scientists' Project on Regime Secrecy.[20] [21] [22] [45] I such research topic, "Traversable Wormholes, Stargates, and Negative Free energy," was led by Eric Westward. Davis of EarthTech International Inc, which was founded by Harold Puthoff, who was formerly involved in Project Stargate.[46] Another project called "Invisibility Cloaking" was headed past German scientist Ulf Leonhardt, a professor at the Weizmann Institute of Scientific discipline in State of israel.[47] All the same another championship, "Warp Drive, Dark Free energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions," was attributed to theoretical physicist Richard Obousy, managing director of the nonprofit Icarus Interstellar.[48] One of those papers was released to the public by Popular Mechanics on February fourteen, 2020.[xviii] The paper in question, titled "Clinical Medical Acute & Subacute Field Furnishings on Human Dermal & Neurological Tissues", was written by Christopher "Kit" Green, formerly a CIA agent, forensic clinician and neuroscientist, who described information technology equally "focused on forensically assessing accounts of injuries that could have resulted from claimed encounters with UAP".[18]

In June 2019, former Senator Reid defended the legacy of the AATIP, saying "When I was contacted past the New York Times, they said they wanted to do a story on UFOs and the coin you got, the $22 one thousand thousand. And I said I am happy to do that story, equally long every bit we are not talking about fiddling dark-green men. If you want to talk about science, I'grand all in. And that is how I looked at this."[49]

Media reporting [edit]

Although the program was non named specifically, program leader Elizondo was quoted in The Huffington Postal service in belatedly October 2017.[50] Several days earlier, Elizondo announced his involvement in founding an aerospace, science, paranormal and amusement company called To the Stars Academy for Arts and Science.[51]

AATIP came to a broader public attention on xvi Dec 2017 – in three news stories – in The Washington Mail service, Pol and The New York Times:

  • The story in the Times included doubts about alien visitation expressed by James Oberg, a space writer and UFO debunker, and Sara Seager, a scientific specialist on the atmospheres of extrasolar planets. Oberg said "There are enough of prosaic events and human perceptual traits that can account for these stories", although he welcomed further research.[3] [4] It also reported that "Robert Bigelow, a billionaire entrepreneur and longtime friend of Mr. Reid, received most of the money allocated for the Pentagon program."[three]
  • The Washington Post story reported that Elizondo was responsible for the public release of footage taken past US fighter jets that appears to show aerial objects maneuvering in inexplicable ways in the USS Princeton aerial object incident. The paper besides stated that it had conducted several interviews with Elizondo and Christopher Mellon,[11] who is associated with Elizondo in the private venture named "To the Stars Academy for Arts and Sciences".[19] [52]
  • In the Political leader story Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White confirmed that Elizondo had been the director of AATIP.[4] Politico published a statement by an anonymous former congressional staff member that, "Afterwards a while[,] the consensus was [that] we really couldn't find anything of substance," ... "They produced reams of paperwork. After all of that there was really nothing there that we could detect. Information technology all pretty much dissolved from that reason alone – and the interest level was losing steam. Nosotros just did it for a couple of years."[4]

On 22 May 2019, Pentagon spokesman Christopher Sherwood finally confirmed to the New York Post that the program "did pursue research and investigation into unidentified aerial phenomena," dispelling rumors that the program simply focused on theoretical physics.[53]

On 26 May 2019, The New York Times reported that US Navy pilots fully briefed AATIP well-nigh encounters they had with unexplained objects during the summer of 2014 to March 2015 while flying at high altitudes off the Eastward Coast of the United States.[27] Withal, president Donald Trump, who said he had a short briefing on AATIP, said he is skeptical of Navy sightings of UFOs.[54]

On 1 June 2019, The Intercept published an article with an excerpt from an email obtained via FOIA request. The excerpt called into question Elizondo'due south position at AATIP. Yep, AATIP existed, and it "did pursue research and investigation into unidentified aerial phenomena," Pentagon spokesperson Christopher Sherwood confirmed. Withal, he added: "Elizondo had no responsibilities with regard to the AATIP plan while he worked for OUSDI [the Part of Nether Secretarial assistant of Defense for Intelligence], upwards until the time he resigned constructive ten/4/2017." To the Stars has attempted to clarify this with an email: "The program was initially run out of the Defense Intelligence Agency but when Lue took it over in 2010 as Director, he ran it out of the Function for the Secretary of Defense (OSD) under the Under Secretarial assistant of Defense force for Intelligence (USDI)."[55]

A February 2020 Popular Mechanics article by UFO investigative writer and retired police lieutenant Tim McMillan said that Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Infinite Studies (BAASS) was contracted nether the auspices of the AATIP plan to study UFO reports and purported paranormal phenomena. According to Steven Aftergood, Manager for the Federation of American Scientists Projection on Government Secrecy, the AAWSAP contract "sounds like it was a good deal for the contractor. But it would be hard to argue that either the armed services or the public got their money's worth."[18]

On July 23, 2020, The New York Times reported that while former Senator Harry Reid "believed that crashes of objects of unknown origin may have occurred and that retrieved materials should be studied; he did not say that crashes had occurred and that retrieved materials had been studied secretly for decades."[34] [56] News reports also repeated a merits fabricated by Eric Westward. Davis, a sometime employee of Harold E. Puthoff (co-founder of UFO-promoting visitor To the Stars) that an "off-world vehicle" might be in the possession of the The states government.[57] [58]

See also [edit]

  • Pentagon UFO videos
  • The Phenomenon (2020 film)
  • Project Sign
  • Projection Grudge
  • Project Blue Volume
  • Robertson Panel
  • Condon Commission
  • UFO sightings in outer space
  • 1952 Washington, D.C. UFO incident

References [edit]

  1. ^ Siese, Apr (December 16, 2017). "The Pentagon has confirmed its $22M program to investigate UFOs". Quartz . Retrieved December 17, 2017.
  2. ^ Blumenthal, Ralph; Kean, Leslie (May 14, 2020). "Navy Reports Draw Encounters With Unexplained Flying Objects – While some of the encounters have been reported publicly before, the Navy records are an official bookkeeping of the incidents, including descriptions from the pilots of what they saw". The New York Times . Retrieved May 15, 2020.
  3. ^ a b c d e f thousand Cooper, Helene; Blumenthal, Ralph; Kean, Leslie (December 16, 2017). "Glowing Auras and 'Blackness Money': The Pentagon'south Mysterious U.F.O. Program". The New York Times . Retrieved December 16, 2017.
  4. ^ a b c d e Bender, Bryan (Dec 16, 2017). "The Pentagon's Hush-hush Search for UFOs". Pol . Retrieved December 17, 2017.
  5. ^ a b c Benson, Eric (March 21, 2018). "Harry Reid on What the Government Knows Almost UFOs". New York Magazine . Retrieved March 29, 2018.
  6. ^ Greenwood, Max (December 16, 2017). "Pentagon acknowledges program to investigate UFO encounters: study". The Hill . Retrieved December 17, 2017.
  7. ^ Blumenthal, Ralph (Dec 18, 2017). "On the Trail of a Secret Pentagon U.F.O. Program". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved May 23, 2019.
  8. ^ Blumenthal, Ralph (July 23, 2020). "No longer in the shadows, Pentagon's UFO unit will make some findings public". The New York Times . Retrieved July 23, 2020.
  9. ^ a b Chow, Denice (May 19, 2021). "UFOs are about to make their way to the U.South. Senate. Here'southward what to know". . Retrieved May 19, 2021.
  10. ^ Overbye, Dennis (December 29, 2017). "U.F.O.s: Is This All There Is?". The New York Times . Retrieved December 30, 2017.
  11. ^ a b Mellon, Christopher (March 9, 2018). "The military keeps encountering UFOs. Why doesn't the Pentagon care? – We have no idea what'south behind these weird incidents because nosotros're not investigating". The Washington Post . Retrieved March 12, 2018.
  12. ^ Knapp, George (July 25, 2018). "Sectional: I-Team obtains some fundamental documents related to Pentagon UFO study". . Retrieved September 20, 2018.
  13. ^ Crawford, Jamie (December 17, 2017). "NY Times: Pentagon study of UFOs revealed". CNN. ...Robert Bigelow, the billionaire founder of an aerospace company. Bigelow has spoken nearly his belief in UFOs visiting the United States equally well as the being of aliens.
  14. ^ Boyle, Alan (August 16, 2013). "Area 51 declassified: No UFOs, merely lots of U-2 spy planes".
  15. ^ "Exclusive: I-Team obtains some key documents related to Pentagon UFO study". KLAS – 8 News Now. July 26, 2018. Retrieved March 28, 2020.
  16. ^ Hart, Benjamin (December xvi, 2017). "Reports: The Pentagon Spent Millions on UFO Research". New York Magazine . Retrieved December 17, 2017.
  17. ^ Watkins, Eli; Todd, Brian (Dec 19, 2017). "One-time Pentagon UFO official: 'We may non exist lone'". Cable News Network . Retrieved December 21, 2017.
  18. ^ a b c d e f g h i McMillan, Tim (February 14, 2020). "Within the Pentagon's Hugger-mugger UFO Plan". Popular Mechanics . Retrieved Apr 2, 2020.
  19. ^ a b Warrick, Joby (December 16, 2017). "Head of Pentagon's secret 'UFO' office sought to make prove public". The Washington Post . Retrieved Dec 17, 2017.
  20. ^ a b Trevithick, Joseph (Jan eighteen, 2019). "Here's The List Of Studies The Armed services'due south Secretive UFO Plan Funded, Some Were Junk". The Drive . Retrieved June 11, 2019.
  21. ^ a b c "DIA Letter of the alphabet to Mr. Steven Aftergood of the Federation of American Scientists in response to FOIA request" (PDF). Federation of American Scientists. January 16, 2019. Retrieved February eighteen, 2020.
  22. ^ a b Bender, Bryan. "Navy withholding information on UFO sightings, congressman says". Political leader . Retrieved February 18, 2020.
  23. ^ a b Radford, Benjamin (2018). "Newly Revealed Undercover DoD 'UFO' Project Less Than Meets the Middle". Skeptical Inquirer. 42 (2): 6–7.
  24. ^ Bough, Bryan (December 16, 2017). "The Pentagon'southward Secret Search for UFOs". Politician . Retrieved December 17, 2017.
  25. ^ Warrick, Joby (Dec 16, 2017). "Head of Pentagon'south underground 'UFO' office sought to make evidence public". The Washington Mail service . Retrieved December 21, 2017.
  26. ^ Mellon, Christopher (March 9, 2018). "The military keeps encountering UFOs. Why doesn't the Pentagon intendance?". The Washington Postal service . Retrieved March 12, 2018.
  27. ^ a b Copoper, Helene; Blumenthal, Ralph; Kean (May 26, 2019). "'Wow, What Is That?' Navy Pilots Study Unexplained Flying Objects". The New York Times . Retrieved May 27, 2019.
  28. ^ "Yep, those are UFOs, Navy says about iii videos of strange sightings". NBC News . Retrieved February 25, 2020.
  29. ^ Epstein, Kayla. "Those UFO videos are real, the Navy says, only please stop maxim 'UFO'". Washington Post . Retrieved February 25, 2020.
  30. ^ "Navy Confirms Existence of 'Unidentified' Flight Objects Seen in Leaked Footage". Time . Retrieved February 25, 2020.
  31. ^ Taylor, Derrick Bryson (September 26, 2019). "How Blink-182'south Tom DeLonge Became a U.F.O. Researcher". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved March 27, 2020.
  32. ^ "Does Pentagon still have a UFO programme? The answer is a fleck mysterious". Reuters. Dec 16, 2017. Retrieved December 17, 2017.
  33. ^ Blumenthal, Ralph (July 23, 2020). "No longer in the shadows, Pentagon'south UFO unit will make some findings public". The New York Times/The Baltimore Sun . Retrieved July 23, 2020.
  34. ^ a b Blumenthal, Ralph (July 23, 2020). "No longer in the shadows, Pentagon'due south UFO unit will make some findings public". The New York Times/The Baltimore Sun . Retrieved July 24, 2020.
  35. ^ Rogoway, Joseph Trevithick and Tyler. "Here Are The Air Strength's Reports On Aircrew Encounters With Unidentified Flying Craft". The Bulldoze . Retrieved July 23, 2020.
  36. ^ "TTSA Announces Support for UAP Task Force Inclusion in Intelligence Authorization Act for 2021". . Retrieved July 24, 2020.
  37. ^ a b c Bough, Bryan. "Senators get classified briefing on UFO sightings". Political leader . Retrieved February 24, 2020.
  38. ^ a b "Congress receive classified conference on 'UFO encounters with Usa navy'". The Contained. June twenty, 2019. Retrieved February 24, 2020.
  39. ^ a b McMillan, Tim (February xiv, 2020). "Within the Pentagon's Hush-hush UFO Program". Pop Mechanics . Retrieved February 25, 2020.
  40. ^ Bough, Bryan. "U.S. Navy drafting new guidelines for reporting UFOs". Politico . Retrieved March 26, 2020.
  41. ^ Choi, Matthew. "Trump says he was briefed on Navy sightings of UFOs". Politico . Retrieved March 26, 2020.
  42. ^ Trump says he doesn't especially believe in UFOs , retrieved March 26, 2020
  43. ^ Cooper, Helene; Blumenthal, Ralph; Kean, Leslie (May 26, 2019). "'Wow, What Is That?' Navy Pilots Report Unexplained Flying Objects". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved Feb 24, 2020.
  44. ^ Lincoln, Don (June 21, 2019). "Why pilots are seeing UFOs". CNN. Retrieved March 24, 2020.
  45. ^ Emerson, Sarah; Maiberg, Emanuel (January 17, 2019). "The Government'due south Undercover UFO Program Funded Research on Wormholes and Extra Dimensions". Motherboard . Retrieved January 21, 2019.
  46. ^ "About". Earth Tech . Retrieved Jan 21, 2019.
  47. ^ Ball, Philip (May 22, 2006). "Invisibility cloaks are in sight". News@nature. doi:10.1038/news060522-xviii. ISSN 1744-7933. S2CID 123503584.
  48. ^ "Icarus Interstellar, Interstellar flight". Icarus Interstellar. Jan 20, 2019. Retrieved January 21, 2019.
  49. ^ Hagar, Ray (June 26, 2020). "Harry Reid, convinced UFO sightings are real, defends funding of secret inquiry". Reno Gazette-Journal . Retrieved July 24, 2020.
  50. ^ Kean, Leslie (Oct 23, 2017). "Fmr. Managing director of DOD Aerospace Threat Plan: "UFOs are Real"". The Huffington Post . Retrieved December 17, 2017.
  51. ^ Kean, Leslie (October 10, 2017). "Inside Knowledge Near Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Could Lead To Globe-Changing Technology". Huffington Mail service . Retrieved December 21, 2017.
  52. ^ Zak, Dan (May xxx, 2018). "UFOs are suddenly a serious news story. Yous can thank the guy from Blink-182 for that". The Washington Post . Retrieved June iii, 2018.
  53. ^ "The Pentagon finally admits it investigates UFOs". New York Postal service. May 22, 2019. Retrieved May 23, 2019.
  54. ^ Choi, Matthew (June fifteen, 2019), "Trump says he was briefed on Navy sightings of UFOs", Political leader , retrieved June 15, 2019
  55. ^ Kloor, Keith (June 1, 2019). "The Media Loves This UFO Skilful Who Says He Worked for an Obscure Pentagon Program. Did He?". The Intercept.
  56. ^ Daniels, Andrew (July 24, 2020). "Pentagon Has 'Off-World Vehicles Not Made on This Earth'". Popular Mechanics . Retrieved June 24, 2020.
  57. ^ Spocchia, Gino (July 24, 2020). "Pentagon UFO unit to publicly release some findings afterward ex-official says 'off-world vehicle' found – 'If it's something from outside this planet – that might actually be better than...the Chinese or the Russians' said Marco Rubio". The Independent . Retrieved July 24, 2020.
  58. ^ Barone, Vincent (July 23, 2020). "Pentagon UFO unit of measurement to publicly release some findings".

Farther reading [edit]

The Section of Defense force funded inquiry under its Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. Of the 38 reference documents, several have been publicly released via FOIA requests or leaked:

  • "Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions" ― Richard Thousand. Obousy, Eric West. Davis[one]
  • "Avant-garde Space Propulsion Based on Vacuum (Spacetime Metric) Engineering science" ― Harold East. Puthoff[1]
  • "Invisibility Cloaking: Theory and Experiments" ― Ulf Leonhardt
  • "Traversable Wormholes, Stargates and Negative Free energy" ― Eric W. Davis[ii]
  • "Clinical Medical Astute & Subacute Field Effects on Homo Dermal & Neurological Tissues" ― Kit Light-green[3]
  • "Biomaterials" ― Bruce Towe[4]
  • "Metamaterials for Aerospace Applications" ― Thou. Shvets[4]
  • "Metallic Glasses: Condition and Prospects for Aerospace Applications" ― T. Hufnagel[4]
  • "Metallic Spintronics" ― M. Tsoi[4]
  • "Materials for Avant-garde Aerospace Platforms" ― J. Williams[4]
  • "Detection and Loftier Resolution Tracking of Vehicles at Hypersonic Velocities" ― W. Culbreth
  • "Negative Mass Propulsion" ― F. Winterberg[v]
  • "Country of the Fine art and Evolution of High Free energy Laser Weapons" ― J. Albertine

External links [edit]

  • sixty Minutes segment featuring Luis Elizondo – May 2020.
  • Play a joke on News interview with Christopher Mellon – March 23, 2018.
  • MSNBC interview with Luis Elizondo – Dec 26, 2017.
  • New York Times link to related story – December 16, 2017.
  • To the Stars Academy
  1. ^ a b Mosher, Dave. "The US armed forces released a study on warp drives and faster-than-lite travel. Here's what a theoretical physicist thinks of it". Business Insider.
  2. ^ Kelly, Makena (January 29, 2019). "The Pentagon compiled inquiry into invisibility cloaking, wormholes, and warp drive". The Verge.
  3. ^ McMillan, Tim (February xiv, 2020). "Inside the Pentagon's Secret UFO Program". Popular Mechanics.
  4. ^ a b c d due east "Defence Intelligence Agency > FOIA > FOIA Electronic Reading Room > FOIA Electronic Reading Room: Defence force Intelligence Reference Documents".
  5. ^ "Negative Mass Propulsion". Inquiry Gate . Retrieved June 21, 2021.


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