Charles Bronson 4 Movie Collection Blu Ray Review

Yesterday I reviewed i of the two discs in the "Charles Bronson iv Moving picture Collection" Blu-ray set from Manufacturing plant Creek. Today I'll await at the other one, which features THE STONE KILLER and THE VALACHI PAPERS.

This picture show is a perfect representation of a 1970s tearing , gritty, urban crime melodrama. Charles Bronson plays police detective Lou Torrey, who at the starting time of the film relocates from New York to Los Angeles--his crime-fighting methods are not very well appreciated in the Large Apple. He winds upward not existence all that popular in the City of Angels either. Torrey becomes involved in a plot instigated past an aged Mafia chief (Martin Balsam) to become revenge for a 40 year old gangland massacre, using Vietnam veterans equally the hit men.
This movie packs in all sorts of wild elements into its 95 minute running fourth dimension (including a bizarre visit past Torrey to a hippy commune), simply at least it's never boring. Producer-Managing director Michael Winner has a controversial reputation, just at this point in his career he was turning out hard-edged effective films that made the well-nigh out of Bronson'southward tough persona. Lou Torrey is i of those many film cops that get things done in their own manner--such every bit causing thousands and thousands of dollars' worth of harm with a car while chasing down a perp on a motorcycle. The script is about every bit subtle as a kick in the ass--it's the only one in the gear up rated "R"--and it fifty-fifty tries to comprise some social commentary with the Vietnam veteran bending and Ralph Waite's grapheme, a dopey racist cop. Amidst the other noteworthy members of the cast are Norman Fell, Stuart Margolin, a very young John Ritter as a rookie police officer, and a cameo by Angelo Rossitto!
THE STONE KILLER is in my stance the best movie in this set. The activity scenes are staged and edited for the maximum amount of impact, and Lou Torrey is a character made to order for Bronson--one wishes the actor had played the role in other films. If you're looking for a politically incorrect, tough, action-filled cop movie, this is it.

This movie purports to tell the story of real-life Mafia fellow member Joe Valachi (how much of the script is "truthful" is open to interpretation). Charles Bronson portrays Valachi as a working-class low-level gangster who seems to be in over his caput during nigh of the story. (If you go into this movie expecting Bronson to kill all sorts of people, y'all're going to exist disappointed.) The picture begins with Valachi going to prison in the early 1960s, and then flashing back to various times in his life as he tells his story to a FBI agent. Because of this narrative structure, the story is very episodic, and Bronson equally Valachi spends most of his fourth dimension observing things instead of taking office in them.
THE VALACHI PAPERS was produced by Dino De Laurentiis, and virtually of the production was filmed in Italy, with a mainly European cast. Virtually every performer was dubbed, and there's so many phony Italian accents one expects Chico Marx to evidence up. There was some location shooting done in New York, but this didn't help matters--at one indicate, the twin towers of the World Merchandise Center are clearly visible during a scene set decades before they were constructed! (There's too a few scenes in which 1930s jalopies drive down the street past 1960s and 70s era cars.) The dubbing and the anachronisms give the moving-picture show an out-of-kilter feel.
The story incorporates historical gangster legends such every bit Lucky Luciano and Vito Genovese, only the European actors playing them don't inject enough menace into their roles. Joseph Wiseman plays Valachi'southward mentor, an aged refined mob boss (the actor played a very similar function in the 1980s American TV show CRIME STORY), and Anthony Dawson has a small office as a Federal agent. The reason I mention those two is that THE VALACHI PAPERS was directed by Terence Immature, who helmed DR. NO--which featured Wiseman and Dawson. Jill Ireland (Mrs. Bronson in real life and in this motion picture) isn't very believable as an Italian-American.
One can't aid but feel that this movie was influenced past THE GODFATHER. THE VALACHI PAPERS is nowhere nearly that level--it plays more like a greatest hits medley of gangster movie cliches. Bronson is good as an ordinary blue-collar type of made man, who winds up wondering what his loyalty to "The Family" has actually accomplished. Euro cult fans will appreciate the music score by Riz Ortolani.

Both films are presented in 1.85:1 anamorphic widescreen and 2.0 stereo, and like the other films in this set, the video and audio quality is splendid.

I would recommend getting this prepare, especially at its current price. The four movies here are not prime number classics, but they are all worth watching. Charles Bronson fans should definitely take reward of this ready.


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