He Wants Me to Have His Baby Business Deal

Dear Prudence

My Dad Wants Me to Have Sexual activity With His Married woman—While He Watches

He then claimed he was joking and that I had "never loved him."

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Beloved Prudence,

My male parent and I have never had what y'all would call a "conventional" relationship. We've smoked weed together, and he often likes to tell me about his sex activity life. He'southward successfully ostracized anybody else in our family, and I think I stick around out of a sense of responsibility, even though I don't similar the manner he treats me. He'south married to a younger adult female (he'south 65, she's 40) whom I've known since I was 14. I'm 37 at present. It'south a long story.

He wrote me an electronic mail a few days ago detailing how he and his married woman had been discussing the idea of her having sex with "one of their friends"—and then told me that friend was me! He asked me what I thought about the idea and that he'd be interested in watching. It was very enthusiastic and not at all joking. I was horrified and responded that he needed to run into a therapist and that it would take me a very long fourth dimension to exist able to speak to either of them once again. He then claimed that he'd simply been joking and that it was clear I had "never loved him." So that's where nosotros are now. I know I've been gaslit past my father for most of my life (he's really skillful at it), and I know it's happening at present. I'm non crazy, correct? What he wrote me is wrong, right? Was my response out of line?

—Inappropriate Male parent

Y'all're not crazy, your response was not out of line, and he wasn't joking. What would the joke have been? A detailed, written sexual suggestion is not a common joke format, and the sharpness of his reaction gives further lie to the claim that he was "only kidding around." Imagine maxim this sentence out loud to your well-nigh open up-minded, nonjudgmental friend: My male parent says I "never loved him" because I objected to the thought of having sex with his wife while he watched. Do you lot think they'd say, "Well, he kind of has a point," or would they respond, every bit you did, in shock and horror? All my money'due south on the latter. This is not an isolated incident but part of a long-standing design of alienation, aggressive boundary-pushing, and sexual harassment. It may feel strange or jarring to recollect of your begetter's behavior toward you as sexual harassment, only I think that's the appropriate term.

Just as a idea exercise, and in the hopes that it will quell some of your anxieties almost your reaction, remind yourself of this when you begin to doubt yourself: Even if it had been a joke, you lot're allowed to dislike a joke. You're allowed to object to a joke. Saying "It was a joke" is non a magic wand that means no ane's allowed to have an opinion on something y'all said. Telling your male parent, "I don't want y'all to joke about watching me take sex with your married woman, and I'one thousand so uncomfortable I don't want to talk to you for a while" is an extremely reasonable, moderate thing to say. He does non treat yous lovingly, respectfully, or safely, and I wish you nothing but luck in staying far away from him.

Dear Prudence,

My sister and brother-in-law are refinancing their domicile from a 30-year to a fifteen-year mortgage. They'll pay more each calendar month, just with lower interest rates. They say information technology isn't significantly more what they have been paying. This conclusion upsets my mom. She has anxiety bug, especially around money and finances, that take been definitely magnified by the pandemic. My parents are financially comfortable professionals, but my mom had a working-grade childhood. In that location were times my grandparents struggled to make ends meet when she was a kid. Information technology still affects how my mom thinks about money issues. She is genuinely afraid that agreeing to higher monthly payments is risky for my sister's family—say, one of them loses their task and they tin't make the higher payment. She has lost sleep most this, worrying virtually the potential for foreclosure, her grandkids losing their home. She's broken down with me on the phone almost it and some other time with a close friend.

My dad asked my sis and blood brother-in-law if they could, for my mom's mental well-being, consider a 30-twelvemonth mortgage and just make payments every bit if it was a 15-year loan. They said no because the shorter mortgage further reduces their interest rate by 0.5 percentage. My dad offered to make upward the difference, which is less than $100 a month. My brother-in-law refused to fifty-fifty hash out information technology. He said that our mom would just accept to live with their fiscal decisions, anxiety or no anxiety. My dad'southward plan gives them everything they desire financially and will ease my mom's mental state. Nosotros all understand this is their determination to make, just I call back my brother-in-law is beingness unreasonable. I need a script that allows me to brand clear the damage his obstinance could practice without being overly emotional or losing my cool. Any advice?

—Family unit Anxiety

Stay out of information technology. Information technology is not reasonable for your parents to ask their grown child and her husband to reconsider joint financial decisions just because your mother has feet. Your mother is non a co-signer of their mortgage, and your sister is non a minor. Y'all say you sympathize that this is "their decision to brand," but it doesn't sound like you lot or your parents have really internalized that belief. Information technology really is their decision to brand. They are non damaging your mother'due south well-being by refinancing their home. They're just refinancing their abode. It may or may not prove to be wise, but information technology'due south their decision, and they have a much more detailed sense of their own finances than the rest of the family does. Your parents have made their case to your sister and her hubby, and they've declined. That'southward the finish of information technology.

It's a mistake to think that the simply way your mother'south distress can be eased is by getting what she wants. The voice of anxiety oftentimes says, "If only other people would act in thus-and-such a way, then I'd have peace of heed." Simply trying to control other people'south behavior, even with the best and virtually generous of intentions, is not a long-term solution. If your mother is regularly breaking down over this, and your parents accept money to spare, they should use it to find a mental health professional who can help her bargain with her feet, whether through therapy, medication, or both. (It too may assist y'all to meet your own therapist if you've made it a habit to try to manage your mother's anxiety by trying to intervene in your siblings' personal lives.) There's nothing unreasonable or dissentious about that pick, and nothing that will preclude your mother from getting practical, effective treatment for her anxiety. Just because she feels distressed does not mean they are pain her, and it will exercise you expert to remind yourself of that whenever you lot next experience tempted to revisit the issue.

How to Get Communication From Prudie

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Dear Prudence,

My girlfriend is significant and moved back dwelling house with her parents while I work an "essential" job with incredibly long hours. If I get home, shower, and eat, information technology'south a win. On my days off I endeavor to schedule video chats with my loved ones, merely I don't have free energy for much else. I've asked people not to text or call me on days I'm working unless information technology is an emergency. My girlfriend tin't go it through her head. She agrees, then gets bored and texts me several times a day. I don't desire to block her phone in case something happens to the baby, but getting a dozen messages of "U ok?" "You ok?" "Yous okay?" is like sandpaper on the skin. It breeds anxiety and angst. I want to be with her, simply I tin't leave my job, and her parents are pampering her. The infant isn't due until tardily November.

I have been ignoring her texts for the by week, and when nosotros video chatted, she pouted and defendant me of not being a "supportive papa." I lost my temper and told her that her mommy made her breakfast in bed the last iii days and she spent all her time on Instagram modeling clothes her daddy bought her, I accept really been working like an adult. She cried and hung up. We apologized to each other, only she is still texting me. I desire to vanquish my head against the wall. Her parents refuse to accept any money from me and say they volition have care of their "little girl." We were together ix months before this, and I don't know if I want to proceed the relationship. Information technology is stupid. Information technology is childish. Just she keeps texting me, and I am going insane. I volition exist there for the baby, but my commitment to our relationship is wavering. My mother was a armed services spouse with v kids and never acted like this. Help!

—Cease Texting

It'southward frustrating to get 5 or half dozen variations on the same text message in a unmarried solar day, especially when you lot're working, and I don't dubiety that your work has made life tremendously stressful. Just you ascribe stress, worry, dubiety, and feet to your own behavior, and boredom, petulance, and being spoiled to your girlfriend'southward, and I call up that's a mistake. Presumably she moved dorsum in with her parents because she's concerned nearly her health and your babe's—being pregnant during a pandemic and without your partner at your parents' house, unable to come across other people, is stressful and anxiety-inducing besides, even if you lot're not working. I don't remember it's only boredom and thickheadedness that leads her to text you. She'south going through a tough time too, and she's not a child for wanting reassurance and contact from her co-parent and partner. Nor is the fact that she occasionally takes selfies in her new dress a sign of frivolity and stupidity. She needs new clothes—maternity dress—considering her old clothes will no longer fit her pregnant body. (And if your girlfriend'south parents don't want coin from you, don't send them money.)

It will do you nothing but good, whether you and your girlfriend stay together for the next 50 years or only share custody amicably, to refrain from comparison her to your mother. Your girlfriend is not your mother, and no 1 likes to hear that their partner thinks of them equally a lousy replacement for a parent. You likewise need to find means to stop yourself from scolding her like a kid. It will exist good to break yourself of that habit before your own kid comes into the earth. Let judicious restraint of tongue and pen be one of the character traits you tin can demonstrate to your child by example.

I besides think you should consider relaxing the "no texts or calls except on my days off" rule for the mother of your child. That doesn't mean her repetitive "You okay?" texts are fine and justifiable or that y'all need to be available 24/7—tell her y'all'll be putting your telephone on Do Non Disturb during your shifts. Take some other conversation with her when you have the time and energy and encounter if yous can't come up upwardly with a reasonable compromise about checking in that seems manageable to both of y'all. If you desire to say no to a request of hers or tell her that you won't be available on certain days, you can do and then without demeaning her.

Help! We've GotStyleToo Many Cooks in Our Kitchen During Quarantine—Literally.

Danny M. Lavery is joined by Peter Labuza on this week'southward episode  of the Dear Prudence podcast.

Subscribe to the Dear Prudence Podcast on Apple Podcasts , Spotify , Stitcher , or wherever yous go your podcasts .

Dear Prudence,

I grew up in a family that combined narcissism and religious abuse with skillful former-fashioned military machine "discipline." Everything I did, said, or consumed was monitored and controlled. Everything in my life revolved effectually pleasing my parents. I'k a reasonably well-adjusted adult parenting two children of my own, merely I am nevertheless unable to fully escape my babyhood conditioning that says I should be agreeing to my parents' every whim. They significantly eased upwards by the time my two youngest siblings were quondam enough to find, so they've basically had a totally different childhood. I've been told over and over that I'chiliad lying nearly my own childhood.

My father is retiring soon, which is a huge deal in the military, and my mother has already told us all that we're expected to get to their house for his party. She has said that since she "never asks for anything for herself," it is especially important for u.s. to attend. I don't desire to. There are going to be a bunch of people talking about how great my parents are and what a adept task they did raising us. We'll be expected to be appropriately subservient and grateful to the parents who "gave up so much" to provide for us. I desire to avoid the whole charade altogether and not strength my kids into a stressful situation. Only I know if I don't go it will turn into a thing, and I volition never stop hearing the stop of information technology. Can I accept permission to simply non go and brand upward an alibi and not feel bad nigh information technology?

—Retirement Political party Blues

You certainly have my permission, although equally a stranger I don't think my discussion volition bear much weight in your family. I think you're right non to want to attend. It would be emotionally taxing at all-time and grounds for a one-sided, iv-against-ane public confrontation at worst. But you don't accept to have a huge, no-holds-barred conversation most your babyhood every fourth dimension you want to decline a request your parents brand of you, particularly when you know whatever try at such a chat will be met with dismissal, minimization, and accusations of dishonesty. Even if you come with a plausible faux excuse—most work, or COVID-19 risk, or whatever else—you may still "never terminate hearing the end of information technology," and then you should gear up for pushback no matter the explanation you furnish for being unable to attend.

I practice believe it's possible, although hard and often painful, to override the childhood workout that drives ane to delight a parent at any toll. You tin pursue it at your own pace, on your own terms, and with the assist of your friends and (I promise) a therapist—merely you don't need your parents' permission or your siblings' encouragement in order to do and then. If you accept as a given that they volition endeavour to punish you or lash out every fourth dimension you pull away, that won't necessarily make the process experience any easier, but you'll at least know how to prepare for it and not be surprised by it. The anger of a parent tin can be terrifying to a kid, and information technology's hard to let go of that fear as an adult. Saying to yourself, "My parents will be angry with me as long as I decline to deny the past and offer them praise on need. Therefore, it's impossible to avoid their anger, and I cannot brand avoiding their anger my primary goal," may help. In the long run, it might be amend for you lot to minimize your contact with your family unit as long every bit that contact is predicated on treating you like an unreasonable, ungrateful liar. But that call is yours to make, and if you believe information technology's yet worth staying in touch, then my promise for you is that you tin can find ways to calmly only firmly refuse to engage in guilt trips. I wish you lot all the forcefulness and support in the globe.

Beloved Prudence Uncensored

" 'I feel anxious' is not a blank check for yous to control other people's choices."
Danny Lavery and Nicole Cliffe hash out a alphabetic character each calendar week for Dear Prudence Uncensored —only for Slate Plus members.

Dear Prudence,

In early April my wife and I let our friend "Brandon" move into our apartment's spare room, since our roommate was moving out and Brandon had but broken upwardly with his longtime girlfriend, "Regina." Brandon was trying to become together with an ex of his, "AnnMarie," and my wife and I were treated to endless play-past-plays about when AnnMarie called, what she said, etc. A few weeks agone Brandon plant out AnnMarie was dating someone. He broke down in tears and told us he'd actually been dating both AnnMarie and Regina for over ii years, while they both thought they were in an sectional, long-term human relationship with him. He has no intention of telling either of them the truth and doesn't consider it lying. He wants to effort to get back together with AnnMarie.

We're neighbors and very shut with Regina's best friends—they're the just other household we see during the pandemic (we're friends with Regina likewise, but she now lives beyond the state). Brandon wants us to keep this clandestine from them and from Regina, and nosotros experience terrible, similar we're participating in a prevarication. We've told him how we feel, but he thinks we're being unreasonable. Now we're quarantining with a lying, cheating, mopey man who wants us to lie for him. We're non certain that telling Regina is the correct thing to practise, just we're as well not comfortable keeping this a secret. Information technology feels like a trap. What practise we practise?

—Roommate's Double Life

Y'all can always reject to keep a secret on someone else's behalf, especially when it's a secret you lot neither solicited nor condone. In declining to continue Brandon'due south secret, you would not be risking his physical safety or endangering his ability to make a living, and so you don't accept to worry about causing harm. Regina is a friend of yours, and then keeping this secret would put an unnecessary strain on your own relationships, and Brandon has no grounds to demand this of yous. If I were in your position, I'd be straightforward with him: "You asked me to continue this information secret from Regina and our friends, and I'm not willing to do that. I think she has a right to know, whether that comes from me or you. Yous may disagree or be angry with me, and I'm prepared to have that. You did lie to her—you lied to both of them—and I'm not going to participate, equally much as I care well-nigh you lot as a friend." I imagine this will considerably shorten the length of Brandon's stay with yous and your wife, and it may spell the cease of your friendship with him if he considers this an human activity of betrayal. But he put you in an impossible situation, and that'south not your mistake.

Dear Prudence,

I broke up with my live-in partner at the beginning of the year. He wasn't a bad guy, but nosotros had different visions for the hereafter. In April, I got a new, college-paying task, then I was finally able to move out of our place and into a cozy fiddling apartment. I honey it here. I have a renewed sense of energy. I'chiliad finally starting to relax and bask myself without someone commenting on my weight or appearance (I'm nonbinary). Everything is great. I love existence on my own. (Ask me about my sourdough starter!)

But so many people are suffering right now. Many of my friends are struggling after being stuck at home for months on finish. Even if they've kept their jobs and are coming together their basic needs, they're nonetheless finding it difficult. I feel guilty whenever we talk about our lives considering I'k doing well, and at that place'south oft a mismatch of energy on both sides of the chat. Any tips for either feeling less like I'grand unintentionally rubbing my happiness in people'south faces or stopping myself from doing that in the get-go identify?

—Doing Better Than Ever

The good news is that you would not help anyone else by suffering yourself right now. The world and your friends practise non need you to be in pain in response to the state of things. When it comes to that "mismatch of energy" you're noticing, it might help to channel some of your extra time and exuberance into meaningful customs work. Tin can you bring together a local mutual assist grouping? Canvass the other tenants in your apartment to talk about hire relief? Deliver groceries to the elderly? Bring a sourdough loaf to a friend who's going through a hard fourth dimension, contact nearby jail back up teams to see if they need supplies, donate time or money to whatever local organizations you retrieve benefit? That's not to say you need to devote xxx hours a week to community work in gild to justify your happiness, merely that information technology might assist address your sense of dubiousness about what to do. Concrete actions go a long way toward counteracting vague unease.

When it comes to speaking with your friends, give them a chance to let you lot know what they're prepared to discuss, and accept them at their discussion if they say, "Yes, I'm having a tough time, but you're a kind and sympathetic listener, and I don't begrudge yous your relief at being happily single now." It may exist that some of them are fifty-fifty relieved to become a run a risk to hear from someone who's doing well! It doesn't audio like any of them accept complained to you that you've been and then wrapped up in your ain happiness that you've ignored their issues or rubbed annihilation in their faces, simply that this is an anxiety of yours. Almost of the joy y'all're experiencing is relief from getting away from someone who regularly criticized your body, and good friends won't begrudge you that.

Archetype Prudie

I dated my wife for iii years before we married. We were both in our 30s and had had all of the important discussions before nosotros decided to marry (kids, organized religion, etc.). At the fourth dimension, she told me she was agnostic, and not actually into "the whole religion affair." Now, less than six months into our marriage, she tells me she's joined a church and expects me to join her for Dominicus services. It's only at present that I larn that she has extremely right-fly, religious views. Afterward talking with some of her friends, they couldn't believe I didn't know this about her. I asked them why they wouldn't take mentioned this when they found out we weren't having a church wedding and they told me that was probably done for my do good. Now, instead of our not wanting any kids, she wants at least five and mayhap more. Instead of no organized religion, she wants strict adherence to her religion. I experience I've been duped and that she's lied to me virtually herself. Is at that place any way out of this short of divorce?


Source: https://slate.com/human-interest/2020/06/dear-prudence-sex-with-wife-dad-watch.html

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